
Saying the Right Stuff & More

Knucklehead of the Week

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The knucklehead of the week is none other than Karl Rove.  Why?  Because of his statement and belief that Christine O’Donnell should not win her primary.  Karl said O’Donnell was not electable against her Democrat opponent and was not an impressive candidate.  BTW, way to go Hannity for standing up to Karl.

He stated:

“I think the questions about why she had a problem for five years with paying her federal income taxes, why her house was foreclosed on and put up for a sheriff’s sale, why it took 16 years for her to settle her college debt and get her diploma after she went around for years claiming she was a college graduate — these and other troubling sort of personal background things, she thinks she has explained them. I think she’s got to — I think a lot of voters in Delaware are going to want more than she’s offering to them right now.”

Why are you attacking O’Donnell, Rove?  What good does this do for the party and for the country?  The country is at stake here, we need as much down to Earth, non-career politicians in Washington as possible.    (I’m sure he’s reevaluating his decision, now)

Sure, Rove is a good architect and a wise political pundit but everyone misses it every now and then.  He screwed up with his statement and prediction.  The people are fed up with the gross government spending and record deficits in Washington.  They want fresh blood in Washington and someone who is real like Christine O’Donnell.

The problem with Karl Rove is he is part of the establishment.  The GOP party leaders are out of touch with the American people, too.  They miscalculated the people’s wishes and now they have backtracked on their original position of not supporting O’Donnell.  They have recently announced they would send $42,000 to O’Donnell’s campaign as of 9/15/10.  Since her win, her campaign website crashed, people were logging in and donating small amounts to help her.  The people are speaking!  It’s the rank and file that’s telling the GOP party leaders what to do and that’s how it should be.  This should embolden the Tea Party.  We can overtake this country from the Marxists bastards who have been running Washington since January 2009.

There was talk Mike Castle should be selected in the primary since he had a better chance of beating someone with a “D” after their name.  “Anyone with a “R” after their name is better”, was the thought of those who did not support O’Donnell.   But, the real question here is, “Why is it good to send any liberal to Congress regardless what letter is after their name?”

The people have spoken.  Karl Rove screwed up and pissed a lot of Americans off and for that he’s the Knucklehead of the week.

Written by columnright

September 16, 2010 at 10:09 am

Knucklehead of the Week

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Goes to, you guess it, Michelle Obama for her lavish vacation in Spain after her husband advocated Americans to be thrifty.  The economy is not doing well, families are cutting back, many are having difficulty finding employment and the First Lady flies to Spain on taxpayer dime for a vacation.  The New York Daily News labeled Michelle as the ‘Modern Day May Antoinette” in their article dated 8/5/2010 (Article :  Here).  I agree with them.  This is the attitude of a modern Marie Antoinette.  All that’s left is for Michelle to say, “Let them eat cake.”  Or, for this day she can say “Let them eat Roman Noodles” or something like that.

No, this image is not helping her overcome her angry black woman image nor helping (time to choke here) to become the New Mrs. Kennedy.  Michelle may be thought as being a smart woman in certain circles of elitist but she’s got the wrong kind of smarts.  A ‘smart’ woman would not have gone on a lavish vacation to Spain with taxpayer funded security detail.  This exorbitant vacation killed her likeable image, if she ever had one.  Her husband says Americans should pinch pennies and be thrifty while her wife and kids flies to Spain, rent up to 60-something rooms, block off a portion of the public beach, and dine with the King of Spain.  Kinda hypocritical, don’t ya think?

What is funny is the US State Department lifted a travel warning about racism in Spain.  Article. They lifted the ban on their website a moment or two before her plane landed in Spain to heed off a possible blunder.  So, if the State Department had a travel warning, the cost of the trip was exorbitant, the Gulf is in a crises, the economy in the US is on the Recession ledge, then why did Michelle not have a vacation within the United States?  Are we Americans not good enough for her?  Her husband doesn’t think so.

This attitude among the Obamas is example of the liberal elitist.  ‘Do as we say, not as we do.  Because, we know better and deserve it.’  We have Sen. Kerry of Massachusetts docking a million dollar sailboat in Rhode Island to skirt MA taxes.  We have Michelle spending on a lavish vacation when her husband is preaching thrift.  New York Democrat Charles Rangel has been brought up on ethical misconduct charges in the House of Representatives for not reporting income and using government letterheads to raise money.  etc, etc, etc.

Michelle, if you’re listening, use your head.  You are not better than the rest of us and not deserving of a Marie Antoinette vacation when your husband is preaching everyone else to be frugal in this economy.  When you move out of the White House in 2013 and want to spend your money and not the government’s then you can spend as much as you want, where you want.  But, right now you’re the Knucklehead of the Week.

Written by columnright

August 10, 2010 at 4:05 pm

The Knucklehead of the Week

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When I started “Knucklehead of the Week,” I thought it would be difficult to find a knucklehead each week or so.  Apparently, the world is full of knuckleheads so, there isn’t a shortage to write about.  This week’s “Knucklehead of Week” is:  Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is her real name, slammed Arizona immigration law SB 1070 during her Phoenix concert.

“We have to be active. We have to protest.  . . . I will yell and I will scream louder,”

“I will hold you, and we will hold each other, and we will peaceably protest this state.”

She called Arizona’s new immigration law, SB 1070, “disgusting.”  After telling a sob story about a boy she met who’s home was raided by police and was deported to Mexico, she dedicated “You and I” song to the boy.

“I think it’s important that people understand that it’s a state of emergency for this place and this state,” she said.

She did refuse to boycotted the state in protest of SB 1070 like some musicians have done in protest.  (Which is stupid)  She went on to say:

“I got a phone call from a couple really big rock and rollers, big pop stars, big rap artists, and they said,

‘We’d like you to boycott Arizona  because of SB 1070,

‘Do you really think that us dumb (expletive) pop stars are going to collapse the economy of Arizona?”

How stupid can these musicians be?  I mean, will their boycott, “musicot” really have much of an impact on the state?  They are basically punishing their fans.  The state lawmakers know this immigration bill means more to the state an more important than some music concert.  What they really need to do is shut up and sing.  People like music and that’s why people listen to her and buy her CD’s.  They don’t buy tickets to hear her political thoughts or any other stupid musician.

Hey! Lady Gaga, shut up and sing.  No one really cares what a $40 million dollar musician has to say about a state who’s dealing with an immigration crises.  You’re the Knucklehead of the Week!

Written by columnright

August 2, 2010 at 3:05 pm

Posted in Political

Debt: where’s the outrage?

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According to, our National Debt is over $13 trillion dollars!!  This amounts to $42,000 per citizen.  Where is the media criticizing the current administration’s handling of our ballooning national debt and his ‘charge it’ policies?  Nowhere!

Where’s the outrage about the cost of  entitlement programs the US government is indebted to?  Medicaid/Medicare has a price tag of OVER $784 Billion dollars whereas our military/defense budget is just over $675 Billion dollars.  Where is the outrage on the US’s Medicaid/Medicare obligation?  Hell, our Federal Employee pension price tag is over $193 Billion dollars. I say it again, “Where’s the  outrage?”  Where is the media on the Social Security obligation/liability which is over $14.4 TRILLION dollars?   How can we afford this? Any mention in the press of these obligations that cannot be funded?  No!  They sweep it under the rug and say “Nothing to see here.  Move along, please.”  It seems to me that the media believes government cannot spend enough.

Remember during the height of the Stimulus debate, Tea Party rallies formed across the nation in opposition to the bill.  Former CNN reporter Susan Roesgen used the argument ‘Did you know the state of Lincoln is going to receive $50 Billion from the stimulus bill?’ in supporting the government stimulus bill.  Her argument was basically ‘ you should be okay with this bill since your state is receiving money.’  How absurd is an argument like that?  Here, the US government is in debt but it is okay to “spread the wealth” around (wealth that has to be borrowed).  The media elites simply do not get it.  They huddle around their own little social cliques and are entirely out of touch with the American people.  (Note:  Susan Roesgen’s contract with CNN was not renewed in 2009)

The Big issue in front of most voters coming this November is the cost of our National Debt, not the wars in the Middle East (This is one of  big reasons why the Tea Party was formed). Our country cannot continue down this financial path of disaster our current Congress & Administration is undertaking.  This country is resourceful and resilient but we all know the belt needs to be tighten and curb the pace of reckless spending, but don’t hold your breath.  Some liberal economists are encouraging Obama and Congress to do spend even more.  With ObamaCare looming to take place in a few years, our National Debt problem will only accelerate exponentially that will bankrupt this country.   Bankruptcy: ‘change you can believe in’

Common sense has it that when you are faced with declining revenues in your family’s budget you tighten spending.  No one’s household could survive they way our Congress handles its finances.  It is unsustainable!  We must cut spending, promote business, and reduce entitlement debt.  In November we must elect politicians who will reign in this runaway spending and take a bold stance on doing what this country must do to regain our economic footing.  The Debt must be paid down, there’s no way around it!  If we do not get spending under control and get our debt paid down, this country will cease to exist as we know it. Perhaps, that is what Obama meant when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally changing this country.”

More info on our 2010 budget from Wikipedia.

Written by columnright

July 31, 2010 at 4:37 pm

Inferiority complex means “Use the race card!”

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Kenneth Gladney after his beating

What is the deal with Democrat Liberals using the ‘Race Card?”  1) They don’t have any substance to back their claim and 2) They claim ‘racism’ on words that a reasonable person would not categorize as a derogatory.

The most recent claim of racism comes to us from the NAACP this week and, as of this writing, are seeking a vote to “repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties.”  Let me see if I get this right?  The NAACP is going to vote to “repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties?”  What racism or bigoted antics have the Tea Parties partake? What message have the Tea Partiers conveyed to leave a reasonable person with the thought of ‘Hey, that’s racist.”  Was it a sign someone carried at a Tea Party rally depicting a picture of Obama wearing a Hitler moustache?  Was that it?

Or, is this a vote to condemn the Tea Party because it represents the average America who is fed up with the overspending, higher taxes, and liberal agenda of the White House?  “The President is black, therefore he cannot do anything wrong.  Those who attack him must be racists!” Is this their thought process?  To this author, I tend to believe that.  They see the first Black President and they rejoice.  The American people realize the mistake they made  voting Barack Obama as President.  They see the bad policies he is implementing, the increasing national debt, the ‘ I Apologize for America’ tour, and they are fed up!

So, the President is losing approval ratings ( 41% Strongly disapprove), the Tea Party is gaining in popularity, and the NAACP see this as an attack on a black man.  Therefore, the Tea Party must be ‘racist.’  But, they are not alone.  The use the term to describe moderate Democrats who are not liberal enough for them.  An NAACP official in Arkansas is labeling a fellow white Democrat Congressional Candidate, Robbie Wills – (D) District 2, as a racist because he used the term “unelectable” to describe his black Democrat opponent.  Of course, no one has heard the term ‘unelectable’ used in a derogatory manner, but apparently you have been warn.  The winner of Tuesday’s runoff will face, a former Bush aide, Republican Tim Griffin,

If calling someone racist or accusing them of using a ‘racist’ term is not enough liberals have to go lower.  What if you are black and do not support the President?  You are then labeled as an ‘Uncle Tom.’ Just this week the Missouri NAACP publicly attacked a Kenneth Gladney, at a press conference by saying, ‘…back in the old days we would use the term Uncle Tom.’   If you remember the name “Kenneth Gladney,” you’ll know him as the black man who was beaten by SEIU thugs outside an August of 09′ health care townhall event.   Video So, he was beaten by SEIU members outside a townhall event because he was black and he did not support government National Healthcare.   …and now, he’s labeled by the NAACP as an ‘Uncle Tom.’  It’s just despicable.

Using the race card are not reserved just for black Democrats, Tennessee House Democratic leader accused President Obama’s conservative critics are motivated by racism.  Rep. Mike Turner of Nashville, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus said, “I think some of the people who are against Obama are just against Obama because he’s African-American.”  Yes, you heard it right.  He doesn’t think criticism could ever be because of the president’s policies…nope, no way.

At the end of the day, these kind of accusations are totally false, without merit, are nothing more than another way of saying “Shut up!”  They do not like what is being said.  They don’t care they are dividing this nation by loosely labeling people as racists.  They do not realize that the color the President’s skin has nothing to do with the momentum of the Tea Party.  It is the president’s liberal policies and ‘blame America’ school of thought that is what is motivating the silent majority into a bona fide political uprising.  But, they do not get it…probably never will.  They are blinded by their single-track idealogue and nothing comes before that!

Liberals do not see America as being great due to the freedoms and economic freedom of its citizens. They see America as great because of government policies, i.e. The New Deal, Welfare, progressive taxation, and entitlements.  They believe it is the government’s responsibility to correct social & economic ‘social injustice’ only defined by them.

Any threat to their core-beliefs must be destroyed, derailed (I hope ‘derailed’ isn’t racist), silenced, and muffled.  If you believe America is great because of God-given rights and limited government then you are their enemy.  They say it’s okay to label you as a ‘racists’ because they have policies and ideas are superior to yours. Or, could it be they simply suffer from an inferiority complex?

Written by columnright

July 13, 2010 at 3:21 pm

“Quote” of the Week

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“America’s abundance was created not by public sacrifices to ‘the common good,’ but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America’s industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance — and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way.” – Ayn Rand

Great quote from the lady who shaped my politics when I was in college. I found “Atlas Shrugged” and loved it.  I went on to read “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z.”  The book was published in 1988 but covered Rand’s writings throughout her career.  Her writings and subjects are still relative today.

Written by columnright

July 12, 2010 at 3:43 pm

The Knucklehead of the week

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“To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases,” he said. “I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it.” – Jimmy Buffett  (source: )

Yep, you read it right.  Jimmy Buffett blames Bush for the oil spill even though the spill occurred 14 months after Bush left office.  Is ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’ really this bad among the nations liberal circles?  Those in the ‘circle jerk’ can’t get over the fact that bad things do happen and blaming Obama can’t be accepted, therefore blaming Bush for the spill is the only acceptable thing to do.

Another point is if Liberals (ill-liberals) can re-direct the focus on Bush then that would take some heat off Obama for his lack of leadership, lack of experience, lack of motivation, and total failure on remedying this situation.  Perhaps, Obama knows the Gulf states are Red and he could care less about them?  Perhaps, Obama sees this is an opportunity to show ‘those backwood, Redneck Global Warming Deniers” that oil is bad and the US needs to pass te Cap & Trade (ahem, Cap & Tax) bill?    (Note:  Obama is showing us how “Amateur Hour at the White House” looks like)

Whatever it is, Buffet is the Knucklehead of the week but Obama is runner-up.

Written by columnright

July 9, 2010 at 3:35 pm

smoke comes better in a pipe

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Smoking. The last bastion of individual liberty in this country.

I love cigars. I chew on them when I’m not smoking (or barred to smoke my law). I have one readily available everywhere I go. I can have a lengthy conversation with other cigar lovers, but I found a new love. Smoking a pipe. It’s smoother. It’s more enjoyable than a cigar and it takes less labor to inhale a nice draw. The flavors pipe tobacco offers is more substantial than cigars. Sure, don’t get me wrong, I still love a cigar, but once you go Pipe you’ll want to return again and again.

It all started about a month or two ago when I smoked on a tightly rolled cigar, Romeo Y Julieta Madura Reserve, and became tired of it. I rarely become tired of a cigar. Normally, I am wishing it would last longer. But, this particular cigar left my mouth straining as I inhaled the draw. I extinguished the cigar frustrated saddened. A few days later I entered the local cigar shop and spotted a pipe. They have always sold pipes and pipe tobacco but I never paid much attention to the selection. But, this time I gave the selection an overview and decided on giving it whirl again. (A few years ago someone gave me a pipe and an ounce of pipe tobacco. I smoked it but it didn’t give me much of an impression, so I never tried it again).

The owner of the shop suggested me to try a medium ranged priced pipe instead of a cheap one. He said the cheap ones were for the young guys who don’t know what they are doing. With a modestly priced pipe plus an ounce of good smelling tobacco, I ventured into the relatively unknown world of pipe smoking. After a few minutes of relaxing with the new pipe, I found it much more pleasurable and calm than cigars. I was hooked!

Since that day, I have opted to smoke a pipe over a cigar each time I had a choice. I think I have only smoked once cigar in two months. Even on the golf course, I chose the pipe over the cigar. When my group of guys lit up their cigars, I reached for my pipe. Some of my friends gave me weird looks, “Hey, grandpa!” But, some where more welcoming, “Hey! I’d like to try a pipe someday.”

Regardless of what your taste is, I recommend trying a pipe over a cigar. When you do, don’t skimp on buying a cheap pipe. A cheap pipe will not make the event enjoyable. I first started out with a $40 pipe and last week I broke down and purchased a $200 pipe. Immediately, I noticed a BIG difference. The new pipe is beautiful, had a nice grain of wood, nice stem, and a flashy chrome rim where the stem and bowl meet.

As I write this, I am looking for the next available time to smoke the pipe. I think tonight I will venture out a little further by substituting a Beer with a glass a Red Wine with my pipe. I haven’t had a glass of wine with my pipe yet, but it could be a match made in heaven….. will keep you up to date.

Written by columnright

July 9, 2010 at 11:47 am

“Failure to Launch”

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The love affair the mainstream media (not to be confused with ‘main street’ media) has with Obama is blatant. How much non-truth, or may I say lack of truth, reporting will the American people tolerate? The alphabet channels did not report the DOJ’s decision to drop the case of voter intimidation by a New Black Panther member in Philadelphia back in 2008. (Note: CNN and the New York Times did mention it) This event was clearly captured on camera, anyone with an ounce of intelligence could see the violation of law. But, did the Obama’s Department of Justice pursue a sentence against the accused? No, they did not. They elected to drop the case and reprimand the violator by barring him from visiting only that one polling place and agree not to carry a “deadly weapon” near a polling place for 2 more years. No jail sentence, given.

This is despicable! How can we live in a nation that is governed by Laws but have politicians who choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore? We cannot continue being the Greatest Nation on Earth when political appointees, with consent of the elected, use political ideologue to influence enforcement of laws.

Even after a former attorney at the DOJ blew the whistle on this case, the alphabet channels still failed, or refused, to report how this clear violation of voting laws were dropped by the Department of Justice. Former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams testified before the Civil Rights Commission that the DOJ not only abandoned the voter intimidation case for racial reasons, but had given instructions to its attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims. Absurd!

As of Thursday, July 8th, 2010, the Civil Rights Commission agreed to renew this case but they have to go through the DOJ to pursue it. So, who’s holding the hand that feeds them? Outside of the CRC trying to pursue the case, the President is the only other person to have a say in sending this violator to trial. Will Obama pursue this case against the criminal & put the New Black Panthers on trial? This author will not hold his breath while awaiting decision. On a side note, I wonder if Obama will blame Bush for the DOJ’s lack of enforcement?

Written by columnright

July 8, 2010 at 8:12 pm

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