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Knucklehead of the Week

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The knucklehead of the week is none other than Karl Rove.  Why?  Because of his statement and belief that Christine O’Donnell should not win her primary.  Karl said O’Donnell was not electable against her Democrat opponent and was not an impressive candidate.  BTW, way to go Hannity for standing up to Karl.

He stated:

“I think the questions about why she had a problem for five years with paying her federal income taxes, why her house was foreclosed on and put up for a sheriff’s sale, why it took 16 years for her to settle her college debt and get her diploma after she went around for years claiming she was a college graduate — these and other troubling sort of personal background things, she thinks she has explained them. I think she’s got to — I think a lot of voters in Delaware are going to want more than she’s offering to them right now.”

Why are you attacking O’Donnell, Rove?  What good does this do for the party and for the country?  The country is at stake here, we need as much down to Earth, non-career politicians in Washington as possible.    (I’m sure he’s reevaluating his decision, now)

Sure, Rove is a good architect and a wise political pundit but everyone misses it every now and then.  He screwed up with his statement and prediction.  The people are fed up with the gross government spending and record deficits in Washington.  They want fresh blood in Washington and someone who is real like Christine O’Donnell.

The problem with Karl Rove is he is part of the establishment.  The GOP party leaders are out of touch with the American people, too.  They miscalculated the people’s wishes and now they have backtracked on their original position of not supporting O’Donnell.  They have recently announced they would send $42,000 to O’Donnell’s campaign as of 9/15/10.  Since her win, her campaign website crashed, people were logging in and donating small amounts to help her.  The people are speaking!  It’s the rank and file that’s telling the GOP party leaders what to do and that’s how it should be.  This should embolden the Tea Party.  We can overtake this country from the Marxists bastards who have been running Washington since January 2009.

There was talk Mike Castle should be selected in the primary since he had a better chance of beating someone with a “D” after their name.  “Anyone with a “R” after their name is better”, was the thought of those who did not support O’Donnell.   But, the real question here is, “Why is it good to send any liberal to Congress regardless what letter is after their name?”

The people have spoken.  Karl Rove screwed up and pissed a lot of Americans off and for that he’s the Knucklehead of the week.

Written by columnright

September 16, 2010 at 10:09 am