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Inferiority complex means “Use the race card!”

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Kenneth Gladney after his beating

What is the deal with Democrat Liberals using the ‘Race Card?”  1) They don’t have any substance to back their claim and 2) They claim ‘racism’ on words that a reasonable person would not categorize as a derogatory.

The most recent claim of racism comes to us from the NAACP this week and, as of this writing, are seeking a vote to “repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties.”  Let me see if I get this right?  The NAACP is going to vote to “repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties?”  What racism or bigoted antics have the Tea Parties partake? What message have the Tea Partiers conveyed to leave a reasonable person with the thought of ‘Hey, that’s racist.”  Was it a sign someone carried at a Tea Party rally depicting a picture of Obama wearing a Hitler moustache?  Was that it?

Or, is this a vote to condemn the Tea Party because it represents the average America who is fed up with the overspending, higher taxes, and liberal agenda of the White House?  “The President is black, therefore he cannot do anything wrong.  Those who attack him must be racists!” Is this their thought process?  To this author, I tend to believe that.  They see the first Black President and they rejoice.  The American people realize the mistake they made  voting Barack Obama as President.  They see the bad policies he is implementing, the increasing national debt, the ‘ I Apologize for America’ tour, and they are fed up!

So, the President is losing approval ratings ( 41% Strongly disapprove), the Tea Party is gaining in popularity, and the NAACP see this as an attack on a black man.  Therefore, the Tea Party must be ‘racist.’  But, they are not alone.  The use the term to describe moderate Democrats who are not liberal enough for them.  An NAACP official in Arkansas is labeling a fellow white Democrat Congressional Candidate, Robbie Wills – (D) District 2, as a racist because he used the term “unelectable” to describe his black Democrat opponent.  Of course, no one has heard the term ‘unelectable’ used in a derogatory manner, but apparently you have been warn.  The winner of Tuesday’s runoff will face, a former Bush aide, Republican Tim Griffin,

If calling someone racist or accusing them of using a ‘racist’ term is not enough liberals have to go lower.  What if you are black and do not support the President?  You are then labeled as an ‘Uncle Tom.’ Just this week the Missouri NAACP publicly attacked a Kenneth Gladney, at a press conference by saying, ‘…back in the old days we would use the term Uncle Tom.’   If you remember the name “Kenneth Gladney,” you’ll know him as the black man who was beaten by SEIU thugs outside an August of 09′ health care townhall event.   Video So, he was beaten by SEIU members outside a townhall event because he was black and he did not support government National Healthcare.   …and now, he’s labeled by the NAACP as an ‘Uncle Tom.’  It’s just despicable.

Using the race card are not reserved just for black Democrats, Tennessee House Democratic leader accused President Obama’s conservative critics are motivated by racism.  Rep. Mike Turner of Nashville, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus said, “I think some of the people who are against Obama are just against Obama because he’s African-American.”  Yes, you heard it right.  He doesn’t think criticism could ever be because of the president’s policies…nope, no way.

At the end of the day, these kind of accusations are totally false, without merit, are nothing more than another way of saying “Shut up!”  They do not like what is being said.  They don’t care they are dividing this nation by loosely labeling people as racists.  They do not realize that the color the President’s skin has nothing to do with the momentum of the Tea Party.  It is the president’s liberal policies and ‘blame America’ school of thought that is what is motivating the silent majority into a bona fide political uprising.  But, they do not get it…probably never will.  They are blinded by their single-track idealogue and nothing comes before that!

Liberals do not see America as being great due to the freedoms and economic freedom of its citizens. They see America as great because of government policies, i.e. The New Deal, Welfare, progressive taxation, and entitlements.  They believe it is the government’s responsibility to correct social & economic ‘social injustice’ only defined by them.

Any threat to their core-beliefs must be destroyed, derailed (I hope ‘derailed’ isn’t racist), silenced, and muffled.  If you believe America is great because of God-given rights and limited government then you are their enemy.  They say it’s okay to label you as a ‘racists’ because they have policies and ideas are superior to yours. Or, could it be they simply suffer from an inferiority complex?

Written by columnright

July 13, 2010 at 3:21 pm