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Posts Tagged ‘US budget

Debt: where’s the outrage?

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According to, our National Debt is over $13 trillion dollars!!  This amounts to $42,000 per citizen.  Where is the media criticizing the current administration’s handling of our ballooning national debt and his ‘charge it’ policies?  Nowhere!

Where’s the outrage about the cost of  entitlement programs the US government is indebted to?  Medicaid/Medicare has a price tag of OVER $784 Billion dollars whereas our military/defense budget is just over $675 Billion dollars.  Where is the outrage on the US’s Medicaid/Medicare obligation?  Hell, our Federal Employee pension price tag is over $193 Billion dollars. I say it again, “Where’s the  outrage?”  Where is the media on the Social Security obligation/liability which is over $14.4 TRILLION dollars?   How can we afford this? Any mention in the press of these obligations that cannot be funded?  No!  They sweep it under the rug and say “Nothing to see here.  Move along, please.”  It seems to me that the media believes government cannot spend enough.

Remember during the height of the Stimulus debate, Tea Party rallies formed across the nation in opposition to the bill.  Former CNN reporter Susan Roesgen used the argument ‘Did you know the state of Lincoln is going to receive $50 Billion from the stimulus bill?’ in supporting the government stimulus bill.  Her argument was basically ‘ you should be okay with this bill since your state is receiving money.’  How absurd is an argument like that?  Here, the US government is in debt but it is okay to “spread the wealth” around (wealth that has to be borrowed).  The media elites simply do not get it.  They huddle around their own little social cliques and are entirely out of touch with the American people.  (Note:  Susan Roesgen’s contract with CNN was not renewed in 2009)

The Big issue in front of most voters coming this November is the cost of our National Debt, not the wars in the Middle East (This is one of  big reasons why the Tea Party was formed). Our country cannot continue down this financial path of disaster our current Congress & Administration is undertaking.  This country is resourceful and resilient but we all know the belt needs to be tighten and curb the pace of reckless spending, but don’t hold your breath.  Some liberal economists are encouraging Obama and Congress to do spend even more.  With ObamaCare looming to take place in a few years, our National Debt problem will only accelerate exponentially that will bankrupt this country.   Bankruptcy: ‘change you can believe in’

Common sense has it that when you are faced with declining revenues in your family’s budget you tighten spending.  No one’s household could survive they way our Congress handles its finances.  It is unsustainable!  We must cut spending, promote business, and reduce entitlement debt.  In November we must elect politicians who will reign in this runaway spending and take a bold stance on doing what this country must do to regain our economic footing.  The Debt must be paid down, there’s no way around it!  If we do not get spending under control and get our debt paid down, this country will cease to exist as we know it. Perhaps, that is what Obama meant when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally changing this country.”

More info on our 2010 budget from Wikipedia.

Written by columnright

July 31, 2010 at 4:37 pm